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Magic Maker - Leah Zaccaria

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At Posie Turner we are inspired by good words, soulful connections and spirited souls who give life their all. We aspire to cultivate a community of passionate, creative individuals who cheer each other on and energize one another.

We are excited to introduce our Magic Maker series, a spotlight on people who we admire and who illuminate the world around them. Inspire yourself. Inspire each other. Together, we are Posie Turner.

Please meet, Leah Zaccaria, a Magic Maker from Seattle, Washington!

Occupation/Title: Owner and Teacher at hauteyoga Queen Anne, shefayoga Roosevelt, and Sendatsu Evolution Leadership and Training Program

Past life? I was a CPA for 15 years. I was in public accounting for 10 years and the Tax Director for a real estate investment company for 5 years. When I was 16, a healer told me I was going to do great things and change people’s lives. After 15 years, going through a personal transformation, finding yoga, and remembering those words of that healer, I finally woke up to my purpose. Being a CPA definitely helps me run my businesses, so I have no regrets. But I am grateful I found my true purpose in life.

Astrological sign? Aquarius

Favorite drink? Decaf almond milk latte

Favorite mantra? Be yourself, everyone else is taken.

What are you most proud of? I am proud of the courage I had to change my life. I walked away from a life that was stable financially and what the world thought was successful, but I was not happy. By pursuing my purpose and a deeper sense of self, I now am an example to my daughter and thousands of yoga students and teachers who come to my studios and in the community at large. I aim to inspire by leading with this example. I am not special, I just had the courage to take really gigantic scary steps. Anyone can do this, anyone. They just have to want it bad enough.

What advice would you give to your younger self? Love yourself. Nothing outside of yourself is going to give you exactly what you need. You have to find it within. The more you love yourself, the more love you can give to others which will reflect back to you.

If you could have one wish come true, what would it be? It's funny. I feel like my wishes have come true. When you are living in your purpose, you don't wish for much else. It is already there. I feel abundant. If I left the earth tomorrow, I know I did here what I was supposed to do.

Who is your idol? Oprah. She is such an inspiration to me. She has helped so many.

What is one thing your friends would be surprised to know about you? I am pretty transparent, but one thing some friends might not know is that I hate wearing tennis shoes. I either go bare foot or am in heels! I even run bare foot. Thank goodness I mostly practice yoga.

Where do you go to find inspiration? I read a lot. I love Brene Brown. My favorite book of her’s in Daring Greatly. Read it! Another favorite book is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I read it at least 3 times a year. I have daily inspirations from blogs like Positively Positive, The Daily Love by Mastin Kipp, Brian Johnson from Optimal Living. I also draw inspiration from yogic philosophy and other yoga teachers.

If you could make one wish for our world, what would it be? That everyone practiced yoga and meditation. This would be a different world if we all became more mindful. We would have less disease, more peace and healing.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have faced in your life? Getting 3 businesses off the ground! My first studio, hauteyoga Queen Anne, was open in 2009. I worked my full time job for 2 years, bought out my partners who opened the studio with me and became a yoga teacher while trying to get this studio going. There was a lot of sacrifice, very little sleep and a ton of belief in myself. My second studio, shefayoga Roosevelt open in 2013. I was terrified that I could not create the magic I did at my first studio. It took a bit longer and I had to lose everything I built financially and build it back up again. But I never gave up and both my studios are little pieces of magic with the most amazing communities. I just launched Sendatsu Evolution Leadership and Teacher Training program. This took a lot of time and dedication as well as putting my full self out there in absolute vulnerability to lead others to become teachers and leaders of their own lives. It has been an epic journey!

Favorite Posie Turner sock? Perfect timing. I believe everything comes in perfect order, so this sock is perfect. Plus I love the fashion of it!

For more information about Leah’s studios, visit: and

Thank you for being a Magic Maker Leah! xo

If you would like to nominate a Magic Maker for an upcoming feature, please email us at